Thursday, 6 March 2008

Metafiction + Procrastination = Bovarism

...worse ways to earn a dollar!


Alexis, Baron von Harlot said...

One dollar coming up! What currency were after?

Alexis, Baron von Harlot said...

Update: I had enormous trouble verificating the mot. I think this is because I was distracted by your chocolate.

Alexis, Baron von Harlot said...

What currency were you after.

Missing words = some indication of just how distracting that chocolate is.

Hugo the Hippo said...

Chocolate money only, please. In small denominations. I'll quite happily accept pre-1966 Kangaroo pennies if we can agree on the exchange rate...

Hugo the Hippo said...

or there's always the option of part exchange for a card-carrying, passport-holding châtelaine.

rom said...

ça vaut surtout pour ton esclave humain

trixie said...

let me get this straight.

you arrange yourself in a pleasing flaubertian tableau vivant mit Buch und Schokolade and along comes a chatelaine bearing a purse brimful of chocolate guilders ready to marry l'esclave humaine and conduct you, young hugo, to a place where you can continue the lounging. it sounds suspiciously perfect.

Hugo the Hippo said...

...`twas the lexicon made me do it!

Alexis, Baron von Harlot said...

One chocolate money, in da post. (I'm afraid I'm dang fresh out of chatelaines just now.)