Thursday, 27 March 2008

Ghost-town-modernism, or the cultural logic of late Capitalism

This picture pretty much sums up the denizens and economy of Sofala, best described as the remains of an 1850s gold rush town now attempting to attract tourists, with some rather odd consequences. The human paying the place a visit, for a start; though he claims the excuse of running out of beer during an Easter weekend spent not picking grapes.

(The grapes, incidentally, were in excellent shape this year despite their owner's neglect: so much so that a decision was taken at some point to cover them in netting as they rotted so as to prevent the birds acquiring a taste for raisins.)

Not that an economy geared to weird stuff is any less silly than the current Sydney rental market. *Sigh*. I'll be stuck with the human for months to come at this rate!

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