Wednesday, 3 June 2009

Primus inter pares

I'm not sure about the appellation "First Dog," but I'm glad to see the ranks of well-behaved junior hounds swelling by the day! Do you approve, Pudding? Speaking of which, I really must remind the human to get on with the job of handling Steve's correspondence with the White House...


Pudding said...

He may be able to shake hands with the owner of GM, but can Bo herd a swiss ball in circles around a mulberry tree? And how are his morning calinsthetic routines? Really Hugo, I think you should give praise where it's due.

Hugo the Hippo said...

Fear not, sleek and lovely one, your position at the top of the ladder remains unchallenged and personally I wouldn't dream of damning you with faint praise.
I shall look forward to a full demonstration of your virtues this weekend!