This picture pretty much sums up the denizens and economy of Sofala, best described as the remains of an 1850s gold rush town now attempting to attract tourists, with some rather odd consequences. The human paying the place a visit, for a start; though he claims the excuse of running out of beer during an Easter weekend spent not picking grapes.
(The grapes, incidentally, were in excellent shape this year despite their owner's neglect: so much so that a decision was taken at some point to cover them in netting as they rotted so as to prevent the birds acquiring a taste for raisins.)
Not that an economy geared to weird stuff is any less silly than the current Sydney rental market. *Sigh*. I'll be stuck with the human for months to come at this rate!
A missive from the academy informs me that it's Earth Hour on Saturday week, 29th March, from 8-9pm. It's all hands on deck for denizens of the university are requested to turn off as many coal-fired electircal devices as possible during this time. I'm all for sustainability, but wonder whether the timing of this worthy initiative has managed to redefine the term "symbolic act"?
The intervening weekend is of course Easter, kicking off with Good Friday, one of the few public holidays at this time of year not observed in France. The human is planning to celebrate it with swineflesh, shellfish and milk (mouclade with chorizo is looking good for the moment, perhaps with a vegetarian option on the side), washed down with various fruits of the vine. Which can't be purchased in this strange country on the anniversary of the son of Dog being given vinegar from a sponge on a long pole, so he'll have to remember to stock up.
Energy conservation will be effected by relaxing, by employing wind power to propel ourselves about the harbour, and by thinking back to Alfred Jarry's environmentally sustainable recasting of the crucifixion as an uphill bicycle race - La Passion considérée comme une course de côte.
The Passion in fact dovetails neatly with this week's tutorials, attempting to explain to tertiary students the difference between descriptive and prescriptive grammar. I can only surmise that they did things better in the old days:
Les petites soeurs, faut avouer que c'est quand même utile des fois. Ça n'a jamais fait la vaisselle c'est sûr, mais ça finit par embaucher à plein temps et par conséquent posséder une voiture.
Surtout celle-ci, qui prédate l'esclave-humain de 11 ans et qui roule au pur nostalgie. 2 devant, 2 derrière, moteur en queue et réservoir d'essence en tête pour aider à la concentration. De même que les freins d'époque, disons pour apprendre à conduire de manière fluide. Compteur en miles/heure pour perfectionner sa technique de calcul mental, et éventuellement démentir les contraventions accusant de dépasser les 50km/heure réglementaires...
Un hippopotame qui se fait ami d'un loup habitant la bosse centrale du volant d'une coccinelle, vous me dites? Dis-moi dans quoi tu roules, et je te dirai quel hypocrite tu es!
The People's Republic of Boulogne-Billancourt, France
My conception had something to do with forgetting to wind a grandfather clock, meaning that I was never created as such but simply historicised. There are nasty stories circulating about a bedridden writer raping a red swan, itself pleasingly conceived and carried out by a casting process in Birmingham delf. I took on plastic form in Denmark some time in the early 1980s and grew up in Melbourne and Sydney, before being imprisoned for most of my adolescent years in an airless plastic storage box. It is only in recent years that I escaped, ostensibly in order to provide a bunch of narcissistic postgraduate students with a ready-made catwalk, and have spent my time since then reflecting on the nature of laughter and the strange ways of humanity. All dialogue with the aforementioned is welcome in order to further my research. Conclusion of the foregoing.