Tuesday, 17 June 2008

Errata et corrigenda, or steps toward a standard distribution

GRADUS [gRadys] n. m.1821 ; abréb. de Gradus ad Parnassum « Degré vers le Parnasse », oeuvre de 1702. Dictionnaire de prosodie latine. PAR EXT. Dictionnaire poétique. Un gradus français.
(Le nouveau Petit Robert)

ūs, m. [ GRAD- ],
a step, pace, gait, walk:
gradum facere

Plur., steps, rounds, stairs: in gradibus Concordiae stare
Fig., a stepm stage, degree, grads
An approach, advance, progress, march
A step, degree, grade, rank, stage, interval
(C. T. Lewis, An Elementary Latin Dictionary)

Work may fail for any of the following reasons:

  • no evidence of having read the prescribed material closely;
  • sloppy, inconsistent presentation;
  • preponderance of paraphrase, mere plot summary or listing of superficial characteristics;
  • excessive use of quotation for illustrative purposes only, without any attempt at analysis;
  • excessive level of generality in answering a question;
  • inappropriate or obscure expression;
  • incoherent general structure;
  • inadequate referencing;
  • late submission of work without extension.
(Guide to the Interpetation of Grades, Department of English, University of Sydney)

Monday, 16 June 2008

Affirmative action

Bloomsday crops up in mysterious places...
Can anyone able to cope with Ulysse gramophone remember how many yeses there are in ouï-dire? La ci darem...

Saturday, 14 June 2008

On the glorious path towards recognition of statehood (II)

The deciding factor? A kitchen eminently suitable for further pastry adventures!

Thursday, 5 June 2008

Further arguments upon the desirability of bakers

(i) the spare-moment confection of collations to be enjoyed upon return from place of employment;

(ii) an eye for stray pâtisseries, coupled with a sense for the level of fringe benefits compatible with a class-457 visa.


Monday, 2 June 2008


Dépôt courrier 18/01/08
"Date de la dépêche" 18/02/2008
Arrivée 02/06/2008