Tuesday, 8 April 2008

Surréalistes de tous les pays, unissez-vous !

(Think about this as a post-cold-war riposte to Ionesco's La Cantatrice chauve...)

Tuesday, 1 April 2008

Hugolian Hugoland

After capitulating to Philip the Good back in 1453 or so, the good burghers of Ghent have finally redeemed their honour by declaring independence.

Henceforth all would-be Gentaars must take language and cultural integration courses, and there are plans afoot to make the large immigrant community from West Flanders wear headscarves.

Kudos to the civic-minded folk at the Nieuw-Gentse Alliantie (New Ghent Alliance), for leading their new state down the path of secession from a country that seems to have embraced a policy of non-government.

They have their methods, it must be said:

It's time to face facts, humans - the good burghers have made me bold! Let me henceforth proclaim the mighty, sovereign and human-free state of HUGOLAND...

You may, in fact, be of some use to me, O humans. I'll be needing emissaries to Hutt River Province, not to mention Transdnistria. And I'll have to physically live somewhere.

Does anyone know whether microstates are compatible with strata title???